#cerca nei repositories un binario e mostra a quale #pacchetto appartiene (un surrogato di apt-file) #eventualmente modificare "testing" con altro ramo nel link ### binpack ### binpack() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo -e "\033[32mshow package that contains the program" echo -e "\033[32musage: binpack <program>" else w3m -dump "http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=contents& \ keywords="$@"&mode=path&suite=testing&arch=any"|grep --color=never -B 4 / fi }
#mostra lista dei file di un pacchetto non installato #eventualmente modificare "amd64" con "i386" nel link ### deblist ### deblist() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then echo -e "\033[32mshows the structure of files in a package not installed" echo -e "\033[32musage: deblist <package>" else w3m -dump http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/amd64/"$@"/filelist | \ grep --color=never -B 2 / fi }
#mostra ip esterno ### myip ### myip() { w3m -dump http://checkip.dyndns.org|awk '{print $4}' } ### indirizzi alternativi #w3m -dump http://ipid.shat.net/iponly #w3m -dump http://ip.dnsexit.com
#mostra ip interno ### myintip ### myintip() { /sbin/ifconfig|head -n2|grep inet|awk -Faddr: '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}' }
#mostra varie informazioni di sistema #utilizza alcuni alias e funzioni precedenti ### sysinfo ### ii() { echo -e "\n\033[32mtoday is:\e[0m " ; date echo -e "\nyou are logged onto \033[32m$HOSTNAME" echo -e "\nkernel:\e[0m " ; uname -a echo -e "\n\033[32mCPU:\e[0m " ; grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | \ awk -F:\ '{print $2}' echo -e "\n\033[32mUsers logged on:\e[0m " ; w -h echo -e "\n\033[32mMachine status:\e[0m " ; uptime echo -e "\n\033[32mMemory status:\e[0m " ; free echo -e "\n\033[32mIP Addresses:\e[0m " ; myintip ; myextip }
#unzip di molteplici file presenti in una directory ### unzip all ### unzall() { for maggio in $(ls *.zip); do unzip -q $maggio; done }
#backup della home ### homebkp ### homebkp() { local DATE=$(date +%d-%m-%y) local NAME="homebkp-$DATE.tar.bz2" tar cvPpjf $NAME --exclude=/home/skizzhg/$NAME \ --exclude=/home/skizzhg/.VirtualBox /home/skizzhg/ }