#controllo volume ### volume ### vd() { amixer set Master 1-| grep -o '\[.*%\]'|tail -n1 } vu() { amixer set Master 1+| grep -o '\[.*%\]'|tail -n1 }
#ricerche nel web tramite il browser w3m #es: yahoo debianizzati ### web search ### #yahoo yahoo() { echo -e "\033[32msearching Yahoo for $*" local SEARCH=$(echo $* | sed -e 's/ /\%20/g') echo -e "\033[32mtranslating search to URL speak..." w3m http://it.search.yahoo.com/search?p="$SEARCH" }
#ricerche tramite wordreference wrenit() { echo -e "\033[32msearching WordReference for $*" local SEARCH=$(echo $* | sed -e 's/ /\%20/g') echo -e "\033[32mtranslating search to URL speak..." w3m http://www.wordreference.com/enit/"$SEARCH" } writen() { echo -e "\033[32msearching WordReference for $*" local SEARCH=$(echo $* | sed -e 's/ /\%20/g') echo -e "\033[32mtranslating search to URL speak..." w3m http://www.wordreference.com/iten/"$SEARCH" }
#ricerche tramite wikipedia wikit() { echo -e "\033[32msearching Wikipedia for $*" local SEARCH=$(echo $* | sed -e 's/ /\%20/g') echo -e "\033[32mtranslating search to URL speak..." w3m http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/"$SEARCH" } wiken() { echo -e "\033[32msearching Wikipedia for $*" local SEARCH=$(echo $* | sed -e 's/ /\%20/g') echo -e "\033[32mtranslating search to URL speak..." w3m http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/"$SEARCH" }
#converte testo in html tramite vim #necessita di vim e non vim-tiny ### text2html ### 2html() { if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ]; then echo -e "\033[32mconvert text to html" echo -e "\033[32musage: 2html filename" else vim -n -c 'so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim' -c 'wqa' $1 \ > /dev/null 2> /dev/null fi }
#converte testo in ps e successivamente in pdf #es: 2pdf .bashrc ### text2pdf ### 2pdf() { a2ps $1 --borders=0 -1 -f 10 -B -q -o - | ps2pdf - $1.pdf }