  • con aptitude:

$ aptitude show os-prober | grep Description

Description: utility to detect other OSes on a set of drives
  • con wajig:

$ wajig whatis os-prober

Package                  Description
os-prober                Utility to detect other oses on a set of drives

Come abbiamo potuto osservare, wajig è molto più "diretto" dei suoi compagni; basta scegliere il comando appropriato e apporlo dopo wajig per effettuare l'operazione richiesta, comodamente descritta dall'aiuto del comando stesso (v. sopra).
Per ottenere la lista completa di tutti i comandi possibili, come dall'esempio antecedentemente citato, basterà dare:

$ wajig list-commands

All JIG commands:

 addcdrom       Add a CD-ROM to the list of available sources of packages
 auto-alts      Mark the alternative to be auto set (using set priorities)
 auto-clean     Remove superseded .deb files from the download cache
 auto-download  Do an update followed by a download of all updated packages
 auto-install   Perform an install without asking questions (non-interactive)
 auto-remove    Remove packages installed automatically as dependencies
 available      List versions of packages available for installation
 bug            Check reported bugs in package using the Debian Bug Tracker
 build          Retrieve/unpack sources and build .deb for the named packages
 build-depend   Retrieve packages required to build listed packages
 changelog      Retrieve latest changelog for the package
 clean          Remove all deb files from the download cache
 commands       List all the JIG commands and one line descriptions for each
 contents       List the contents of a package file
 daily-upgrade  Perform an update then a dist-upgrade
 dependents     List of packages which depend/recommend/suggest the package
 describe       One line description of packages (-v and -vv for more detail)
 describe-new   One line description of new packages
 detail         Provide a detailed description of package (describe -vv)
 detail-new     Provide a detailed description of new packages (describe -vv)
 dist-upgrade   Upgrade to new distribution (installed and new rqd packages)
 docs           Equivalent to help with -verbose=2
 download       Download package files ready for an install
 editsources    Edit the list of archives for Debian packages
 extract        Extract the files from a package file to a directory
 file-download  Download packages listed in file ready for an install
 file-install   Install packages listed in a file
 file-remove    Remove packages listed in a file
 find-file      Search for a file within installed packages
 find-pkg       Search for an unofficial Debian package at
 fix-configure  Perform dpkg --configure -a (to fix interrupted configure)
 fix-install    Perform apt-get -f install (to fix broken dependencies)
 fix-missing    Perform apt-get --fix-missing upgrade
 (continua nella prossima pagina)