20:23> Checking anonymous ftp setup...
20:23> Checking mail aliases...
20:23> Checking cron entries...
20:23> Checking 'inetd' configuration...
20:23> Checking 'tcpd' configuration...
20:23> Checking 'services' configuration...
20:24> Checking NFS export entries...
20:24> Checking permissions and ownership of system files...
20:24> Checking for indications of break-in...
20:24> Performing rootkit checks...
20:25> Performing system specific checks...
20:56> Performing root directory checks...
20:56> Checking for secure backup devices...
20:56> Checking for the presence of log files...
20:56> Checking for the setting of user's umask...
20:56> Checking for listening processes...
20:56> Checking SSHD's configuration...
20:56> Checking the printers control file...
20:56> Checking ftpusers configuration...
20:56> Checking NTP configuration...
20:56> Waiting for filesystems scans to complete...
20:56> Filesystems scans completed...
20:56> Performing check of embedded pathnames...
20:58> Security report completed for debian-lenny.
Security report is in `/var/log/tiger/'.

Volendo limitare l'analisi alle sole segnalazioni di maggior ipotetica gravità contenute nel resoconto /var/log/tiger/ si riportano di seguito quelle con livello di gravità failure:

# Checking boot loader file permissions...
--FAIL-- [boot02] The configuration file /boot/grub/menu.lst has world
         permissions. Should be 0600
[... omissis ...]
# Checking for vulnerabilities in inittab configuration...
--FAIL-- [lin007w] Normal users can reboot the system through ctrl+alt+del in
         runlevels 12345
[... omissis ...]
# Checking network configuration
--FAIL-- [lin013f] The system is not protected against Syn flooding attacks
--FAIL-- [lin014f] The system permits the transmission of IP packets with
         invalid addresses
--FAIL-- [lin016f] The system permits source routing from incoming packets
--FAIL-- [lin019f] The system does not have any local firewall rules
[... omissis ...]
# Checking md5sums of installed files
--FAIL-- [lin005f] Installed file `/var/lib/aspell/it.compat' checksum differs
         from installed package 'aspell-it'.
--FAIL-- [lin005f] Installed file `/sbin/start-stop-daemon' checksum differs
         from installed package 'dpkg'.
[... omissis ...]
# Checking device permissions...
--FAIL-- [dev002f] /dev/log has world permissions
--FAIL-- [dev002f] /dev/vboxuser has world permissions
[... omissis ...]
# Checking for existence of log files...
--FAIL-- [logf005f] Log file /var/log/btmp permission should be 660
[... omissis ...]
# Checking sshd_config configuration files...
--FAIL-- [ssh005w] Cannot find a configuration file for SSH.
[... omissis ...]
# Performing common access checks for root...
--FAIL-- [netw020f] There is no /etc/ftpusers file.