
 search         Search for packages containing listed words
 search-apt     Find local Debian archives suitable for sources.list
 setup          Configure the sources.list file which locates Debian archives
 show           Provide a detailed description of package [same as detail]
 showdistupgrade Trace the steps that a dist-upgrade would perform
 showinstall    Trace the steps that an install would perform
 showremove     Trace the steps that a remove would perform
 showupgrade    Trace the steps that an upgrade would perform
 size           Print out the size (in K) of all, or listed, installed packages
 sizes          Print out the size (in K) of all, or listed, installed packages
 snapshot       Generates list of package=version for all installed packages
 source         Retrieve and unpack sources for the named packages
 start          Start a daemon, e.g., gdm, apache (see list-daemons)
 status         Show the version and available version of packages
 status-match   Show the version and available version of matching packages
 status-search  Show the version and available version of matching packages
 stop           Stop a daemon, e.g., gdm, apache (see list-daemons)
 suggested      Install package and associated suggested packages
 tasksel        Run the Gnome task selector to install groups of packages
 toupgrade      List packages with newer versions available for upgrading
 unhold         Remove listed packages from hold so they are again upgraded
 unofficial     Search for an unofficial Debian package at
 update         Update the list of downloadable packages
 update-alts    Update default alternative for things like x-window-manager
 update-pci-ids Updates the local list of PCI ids from the internet master list
 update-usb-ids Updates the local list of USB ids from the internet master list
 upgrade        Upgrade all of the installed packages or just those listed
 verify		Check the md5sums of a package.
 version	Show the current version of wajig.
 versions       List version and distribution of (all) packages.
 whatis         A synonym for describe
 whichpkg       Find the package that supplies the given command or file 

Command line options:

 -h|--help      Print usage message.
 -q|--quiet     Do system commands everything quietly.
 -n|--noauth    Allow packages from unathenticated archives.
 -s|--simulate  Trace but don't execute the sequence of underlying commands.
 -t|--teaching  Trace the sequence of commands performed.
 -v|--verbose=n Increase (or set) the level of verbosity (to n).
 -y|--yes       Assume yes for any questions asked.

Fuller documentation can be found at

E se tutto si potesse svolgere da una comoda interfaccia grafica? Non sarebbe il sogno di chiunque tenti di avvicinarsi al fantastico mondo di debian? Ebbene, il sogno diventa relatà. Gjig, automaticamente installato assieme a wajig, è proprio un'interfaccia grafica che permette di effettuare tutte le operazioni sopra viste tramite comodi pulsanti.
In questo articolo vi parleremo dunque di gjig.
